Rassegna storica del Risorgimento
Howard R. Man-aro
John Y. Mason x) a Lewis Cassl)
Legation of the United States, Paris, January 6, 1859. No. 370. a)
Sii: The usuai ceremonies occurred on the lst January. , The Emperor receivcd the membcrs of the Diplouiatic Corps at the Palace of the Tuileries. His appearance indicated excellcnt health. His manner and the words expressed to those membcrs near me were kiud and cordial. But I subscquently learned that he expressed to Baron Hiibner, ' the Austrian Ambassador, some remarks which bave produccd touch sensation and iraportant rcsults. As the Baron occupied a place some distance front me, I did not bear the Empcror's words, but they were distinctly audible to ali near him at the moment. The language employed was to this effect: I am aunoyed (Je suis faché) that the relations between France and Austria are not as friendly as formerly, but personally, my feelings towards the Emperor are the sanie as they have been always . The incident has had the effect of depressing the Bourse to an unprecedented extent, and in the comments of the Paris press, while professìng not to be alarmists, the editors generally attribute a grave significance to these words and the public mind seems to be impressed with a beHef that a war is impending to commence between Austria and Sardinia, but which will probably involve ali Europe. No allusion has been made in the Moniteur of the affair.s) Of the especial causes of the interruption of good relations between France and Austria there does not appear to be a very clear understanding on the part of the public; but there has been a want of accord on many questions. The condition of Italy, and the autagonism of Sardinia and Austria, is the most reasonable solution of the enqui-ry. There appears to be a general apprehension that war will soon take place. That extraordinary actàvity prevails in French warlikc preparations there is no doubt. In the dockyards on the Mediterranean, especially at Marseille and Brest, it is signally manifested, and although war will bring great calamities in the prcsent condition of things, it does not appear an improbable event. Speculation has already commenced as to the probable parties. France is looked on as anti-Austrian. Russia will certainly range on the same side. Englaud
*) John Y. Mason fa ministro americano a Parigi dal 1854 al 1859.
a) Lewis Cass (1782-1866) fa soldato, diplomatico e uomo di Stato. Fu nominato dal presidente Buchanan, segretario di stato, 6 marzo 1857; dimissionò il 12 dicembre 1860.
8) Gli originali dei dispacci del Mason sono nei National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4) Giuseppe Alessandro von Hiibner (1811-1892). Voci. J. A. VON HUBNEH, Nove anni di ricordi di un ambasciatore austriaco a Parigi sotto il Secondo Impero (18501859). Traduzione e introduzione di ALESSANDRO GALANTE GARRONE, Milano, I. S.P. I., [1944]. Nel 1865 l'ilubner fu inviato ambasciatore presso il Vaticano, ove, due anni dopo, condusse a buon fine le trattative per la modificazione del concordato austriaco. Da allora si ritirò dalla carriera diplomatica, dedicandosi a studi storici e viaggi.
c) Di solito Wolcwski dirigeva le pubblicazioni e le notìzie governative nel Moniteur Universel.