Rassegna storica del Risorgimento
Garibaldi in Nicaragua
Una più vivida descrizione degli eventi della notte del 4 agosto ci viene dalla penna di un mercante di Grey Town, certo George de Gerning che si trovava in Nicaragua in quel momento. La sua lettera a Sir Henry Bulwer del Foreign Office, Londra, in data 15 settembre 1851, è un altro splendido documento. *>
It was about 8 or 9 o'clock. when [Dias] De Zapata, the Minister of War, was informed that some disturbance was taking place at the cuartel. He buckled on his sword, and let his house. He had hardly walked thirty steps, when he was met by a party of soldiers, who surrounded him, and led him a prisoner io the cuartel. At the saine moment a corporal and four privates were entering the house of the President, and he also became a prisoner. The rebels seem to have feared Castellon the most, for the party who went to his arrest numbered twenty men, and they surrounded the house before entering it. The three prisoners were, the same night, sent to Realejo under an escort of fifty men, and from hence embarked for Tigre Island.
Proseguiamo con il resoconto degli eventi:
B) The morning of the 5th was ushered in by firing of cannon. but with the exception of a few soldiers necessary the town remained perfectly quiet, noi taking any part in the proceedings... .
C) ...during the day the members of the "RN" assembled at the Cabildo and drew up an Act declaring the absence of the Director and the nomination of one of the members of the State assembly, Dn. Justo Abaunza (a creature of their own) Director (interim) with a view to legalize their acts .
Questo Pronunciamiento y Ada de Organìzacion promulgato dal governo provvisorio leonese incominciava nel modo seguente:
Reunidos los ciudadanos que suscriben residentes en està Ciudad de Leon con el objeto de salvar al Estado del abismo à donde lo ha conducido la ineptitud y fuertes pasiones de la actual administración y lejislatura, pues en todas sus leyes y providencias gubernativas han hollado directamente la carta fundamental del Estado, destrozado la hacienda publica, disuello la fuerza militar, aniquitado los capitales de capellanias. complicado las relaciones esteriores, y alterado la paz y armonia con los otros Estados, igualmente que deprimido la dignitad del S.P.E. rodeandolo de personas impropias, hemos venido en acordar los articulos siguientes... .
Ritengo che possa bastare per spiegare le ragioni degli autori dell'attentato.
D) In giornata ... Such of the ci vii authorities as could be persuaded were sent round with soldiers to en foncé the principa! inhabitants to sign it [cioè, il già citato Atto], but in very few instanees succeeded, such being the disgust Peli at the proceedings of the previous night .
E) Il giorno 5 agosto, al pranzo dai Manning, il General Mufioz smentì d'essere consapevole dell'affare; però osservò Poster con disgusto: ... but that is ali fudge cioè, Macché! Tutte sciocchezze! .
F) La seta, Mufioz dovette scusarsi coi Manning e con gli altri loro ospiti dovendo partecipare ad una riunione dal Vescovo di Leon, Mons, Viteri, dove ... it was resolved to
56) p.R.O., F.O. 420. voi. 10, pp. 210-211 (per questo volume, vedi nota 2>.